

SARC Services

Reporting Compliance 

This Carbon Reduction Plan complies with PPN 06/21, as published by the Cabinet Office in  June 2021.  

This document will be reviewed and updated annually in accordance with industry standards  and regulatory requirements. 

Baseline Carbon Emissions 

Baseline Year: June 2023 – May 2024

Additional Details relating to Baseline Emissions calculations:

Key Forensic Services (KFS) is a private limited SME (Small to Medium Enterprise) company.  We are therefore not obligated to report our emissions under the Streamlined Energy and  Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations. As we have not previously reported emissions, we have  used the year (2023-24) as our baseline.  

Our total emissions for the reporting year 2023-24 are 1,395,302.26 kgCO2e. 

To provide a comprehensive view of our organisation’s emissions, we are reporting our  emissions data in accordance with our registered address at Corpacq House, 1 Goose Green,  Altrincham, United Kingdom, WA14 1DW. 

In our baseline year, our organisation operated with 202 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)  employees. As our business grows and we expand our workforce, we anticipate a proportional  increase in our emissions. Our Carbon Reduction Plan reflects our intent to reduce total  emissions in line with the services we provide and accordingly the work we deliver.  

Therefore, any potential rise in emissions due to increased business (generally through the  award of new customer contracts) will be accounted for in our Carbon Reduction Plan. As the  plan relates directly to work delivered, it will demonstrate efficiencies through economies of  scale.

Baseline year emissions:


TOTAL (kgCO2e)

Scope 1 

Our total estimated emissions for Scope 1 are 1,228,922.64

Scope 2 

Our total emissions for Scope 2 are 143,969.98

Scope 3 

Total Emissions 

Our total emissions for Scope 3 are 22,409.64 

1,395,302.26 kgCO2e

Emission reduction targets 

To continue our progress toward achieving Net Zero by 2050, we have adopted an  Absolute Contraction Approach to carbon reduction. This means we commit to reducing  our emissions by a given percentage in line with global climate goals. Our emission  reduction targets consider ambition to grow our business and so are related to the work we  deliver through our services. Our intended targets may therefore be adjusted with the award  of new contracts. However, it is important to note that we will consider the efficiency of our  service delivery in respect of new contract awards, with particular focus on Scope 1. 

Our reduction targets (based on current sales) are as follows: 

Next 5 years to 2029: Target of 5% Carbon reduction to 1,325,537.14 kg CO2e
Period to 2034: Target 10% Carbon reduction to 1,255,722.03 kg CO2e
Period to 2039: Target of 20% Carbon reduction to 1,116,241.80 kg CO2e
Period to 2044: Target of 50% Carbon reduction to 697,651.13 kg CO2e
Period to 2049: Target of 90% Carbon reduction to 139,530.23 kg CO2e
Period to 2050: Achieve Net Zero


Figure 1: KFS carbon reduction targets by year 

As illustrated in Figure 1, our targets project a significant initial reduction. This ambitious  approach is deliberate, recognising the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions. 

We also aim to improve our data tracking and monitoring processes to improve the quality  and accuracy of the carbon related data in future years.  

Carbon reduction opportunities 

We outline a number of opportunities which once fully implemented, will reduce our  Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions aligning with our goal of achieving Net Zero emissions by  2050.  

Scope 1 opportunities 

Gradually replace diesel vans with electric or hybrid alternatives 

Gradually replace our petrol and diesel scene and pool cars with electric or hybrid  alternatives, starting with our highest emission vehicles to maximise impact Monitor our current systems to improve optimised route planning, reducing distance  travelled and fuel usage 

Install telematics to monitor driving behaviour (harsh braking, rapid acceleration) and  provide training to improve fuel efficiency 

Investigate the offsetting of any residual CO2 emissions through the purchase of  equivalent carbon emissions credits from an International Carbon Reduction & Offset  Alliance (ICROA) provider 

Scope 2 opportunities 

Investigate alternative energy sources through our electricity supplier and by  investing in solar power for our sites 

Upgrade office lighting to LED and install smart controls such as, motion sensors and  timers 

Invest in an energy management system to monitor and optimise energy use Introduce power management policies for hardware such as laptops, PCs, printers  and servers (including implementing software designed to reduce desktop energy  consumption through ‘pay as you use’ services – such as AVD) 

Perform a building energy audit to identify insulation, heating or cooling  improvements that could reduce energy consumption 

Maintain EPC ratings and work with landlords to improve the energy performance of  our buildings  

Investigate the offsetting of any residual CO2 emissions through the purchase of  equivalent carbon emissions credits from an International Carbon Reduction & Offset  Alliance (ICROA) provider 

Scope 3 opportunities 

Business travel 

We will interrogate our data from travel to better understand if and where carbon  reductions can be made 

Facilitate the use of electric or hybrid cars for business travel 

Encourage the use of walking, cycling or public transport and offer incentives such as subsidised travel passes or cycling to work schemes (this considers staff commuting  too) 

Create a car-sharing program 

Continue to support and encourage hybrid/homeworking 

Encourage the continued use of virtual meeting platforms where possible

Waste management and reduction 

Work towards a paperless office 

Work with our waste management provider to ensure we prioritise sustainable  practices 

Complete waste audits to maximise recycling and minimise waste productionFor non-recyclable waste we will investigate options with local energy recovery facilities 

Use local providers for WEEE waste recycling 
Work with our supply chain to minimise packaging for the supplies we receive

Water use 

Install water-saving fixtures and appliances in all office facilities 

Promote water conservation awareness among employees through regular  communication and training

Regularly monitor and report on water usage to identify areas for improvement


Declaration and sign-off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and  associated guidance and reporting standards for Carbon Reduction Plans.  

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting  standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard  and use the appropriate government emission conversion factors for GHG company  reporting. 

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with Streamlined Energy  and Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions  have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon  Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard. 

We make our commitment in consideration of aspirations to grow our business. Our targets  may therefore be adjusted with the advent of new contract awards. The innovative  solutions we apply to reducing our emissions (for example by introducing e-vehicles) will in  part depend on the availability of technological advances to support our ambition, whilst  allowing us to continue to provide exceptional services to our customers.  

Our Environmental Committee will review our emission reduction targets, deliverables and  new technologies to support achieving our plan.  

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the KFS Board of Directors.